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How Labor Unions Increase Political Knowledge: Evidence from the United States
Labor unions have traditionally played an essential role in politics,
organizing voters, molding their members' beliefs, and counteracting
representation and economic inequality. However, little is known about
the impact of labor unions on political awareness. This study will show
that unions raise their members' political knowledge through two
mechanisms: direct information distribution and political dialogue in the
Politics are discussed more frequently in labor unions than in non-
union workplaces. Union members can become more politically aware by
having more opportunities to debate politics while also being in an
environment where political discussion is more widespread. Panel data
has been used in the past to show that more frequent political talk has a
favorable impact on political awareness. I believe that not only engaging
in more regular political conversation but also being exposed to a more
frequent discussion, as people are likely to do merely by joining a union,
should influence political understanding. In short, workplace
conversation, through the union, provides a mechanism for obtaining
political information.
This article will show that union members, particularly those with less
formal education who face higher costs in seeking out political
information, are significantly more politically knowledgeable than their
non-union counterparts and better informed about where political parties
and candidates stand on issues, using data from recent national election
surveys and a matching technique. Finally, the article will address the
ability of labor unions to close knowledge gaps and promote a more
politically educated electorate.
How Labor Unions Increase Political Knowledge: Evidence ...