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Personality Assesment
Leader-Follower Attachment: Implications for Personality Assessment in Organizational Contexts.
Researchers have found that high-level executive coaches are reluctant to ask their leader clients to fill out personality measures that overtly ask those clients to report on their thoughts and feelings about romantic relationships. We have been met with resistance from professional consultants who believe attachment dynamics would not be activated in leader–follower relationships. It will be necessary to develop a measure that overly references leader–follower relationships and determine if attachment between leaders and followers can be measured reliably.
The new attachment measure specifically addresses leaders' preferences for and comfort with closeness and anxiety about the state of their relationships. When people stray too far from their (physical or symbolic) attachment figures in exploring the environment, anxiety becomes intolerably high. When parents consistently are available, warm, and responsive in childhood, people typically develop secure attachment styles. The attachment theory was built on the premise that humans are predisposed to maintain attachments to groups.
In study 1, it was found that show preoccupied individuals tend to have more personalized leadership styles and might try to satisfy needs for attention, closeness, and acceptance in their leadership roles. Such leaders could lack perspective-taking skills and be perceived as domineering, competitive, or even hostile. People who develop an anxious/preoccupied attachment style tend to be more achievement-oriented and less capable of coping with challenges. The series conducted shows the confirmatory factor analyses using LISREL 8.0 for Windows to evaluate factor loadings and model fit. Each scale item was written to mirror a specific attachment anxiety or avoidance item on the ECR. Items were designed to load onto a prior specified attachment anxiety or avoidance factor.
The aim of Study 2 was to extend the criterion validity of the new scale to measures often used in coaching those occupying formal leadership positions. A follow-up analysis was conducted to determine if the final model was invariant across genders. Given that the fit indexes in Study 2 were slightly lower than those in Study 1, it could be possible that sample size and gender had an impact on our CFA results. Attachment theory has a great deal to offer the field of executive coaching. Studies conducted on attachment dynamics should provide a solid foundation for beginning to put the theory to use in practice. The case for applying attachment theory in organizational settings and with executive clients should continue to grow.
Work Cited Page
Shorey, Hal S., and Jason S. Chaffin. “Leader-Follower Attachment: Implications for Personality Assessment in Organizational Contexts.” Journal of Personality Assessment, vol. 100, no. 5, Sept. 2018, pp. 518–528. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1080/00223891.2018.1472100.