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“A Spoonful of Sugar: Gamification as Means for Enhancing Employee Self-Leadership and Self-Concordance at Work”
The article begins by discussing how organizational leaders have been eagerly searching for ways to engage and motivate their employees. Studies conducted by Harvard Business Publishing Corporate Learning suggest that the global workforce is experiencing three shifts that may assist organizations in understanding how they should think and act in order to engage and motivate employees. This study states that to produce a stronger workforce in the future, generational diversity, continuous learning, and the search for meaning will motivate employees.
Gamification involves applying game-like design in a non-game environment and is one way an organization can effectively engage and motivate employees. Positive outcomes have been found when game-like practices have been added to the workplace. The growing list of organizations that have been using gamification as a leadership element stand as proof that it can work. The article then discusses the process of self-leadership and how it can also have a positive impact on employees.
The process of self-leadership includes both behavioral and cognitive strategies which can positively shape individuals. Leadership models such as self-leadership or self-management occur when employees manage their own performance. Within this process, employees also evaluate themselves and administer either positive or negative consequences upon themselves depending on the results of their evaluation. Although the self-leadership process works for some employees, other employees can remain unengaged and unmotivated. Researchers argued this point by stating that self-leadership can be less effective if the goals and tasks assigned do not align with the individuals interests and values.
Self-concordance is the concept in which an individual feels they are more capable of pursuing goals because they are actually interested in what they are doing, rather than having someone else tell them what to do on a task they do not view as valuable. In closing, the article offers framework and propositions to help us understand the relationships and outcomes between gamification, self-leadership, and self-concordance. The article offers reason behind the study and concludes with the importance oof finding which leadership models and practices are working in organizations and which are not.
Works Cited Page
Oxarart, Richard A., and Jeffrey D. Houghton. “A Spoonful of Sugar: Gamification as Means for Enhancing Employee Self-Leadership and Self-Concordance at Work.” Administrative Sciences (2076-3387), vol. 11, no. 2, June 2021, p.35. EBSCOhost,doi:3390/admsci11020035.