manager's job
Managers play a vital role in any Business as a Manager you are not only responsible for your own responsibilities, but as well as your Employees. Managers wear many hats to make sure everything runs as smoothly as possible.
Providing Value Through Service
Global Multi-Sourcing Strategy
Global Multisourcing Strategy
In today's global services outsourcing market, an increasing number of
businesses are turning to "multisourcing," which entails selecting and
combining IT and business services from several vendors. Management
has recognized important tradeoffs involved in increasing the number of
suppliers and highly suggested focusing on a small number of strategic
partners. Committing to a small number of strategic partners, on the other
hand, may prohibit a company from finding new suppliers or even new
supply regions. Such lost opportunities could be especially restricting in the
case of outsourcing professional services, which has seen fast shifts in
supplier marketplaces over the last decade.
As a result, businesses may choose to participate in more intensive
service multisourcing. If they succeed, it will be due to a global sourcing
strategy that properly resolves the important choices. This article explains
a qualitative longitudinal case study of a multinational financial services
institution that created a diverse global supply base to obtain offshore
professional services to see how a global sourcing process may enable
The research yields a theory that emphasizes the benefits of a multiple
provider strategy in rapidly changing global supply markets; the critical role
of middle managers in enabling
continuous innovation in the supplier structure; and the importance of the
global sourcing
process in multisourcing, which combines top–down and bottom–up
decision making.
“Global Multisourcing Strategy: The Emergence of a Supplier ...” Accessed October 4, 2021.