manager's job
Managers play a vital role in any Business as a Manager you are not only responsible for your own responsibilities, but as well as your Employees. Managers wear many hats to make sure everything runs as smoothly as possible.
Providing Value Through Service
Effectiveness of Employee Appraisal
Performance assessments are critical for a company's and an
employee's progress. It assists the firm in determining if the
employee is productive o. It assists the employee in determining the
direction of his or her career. Performance appraisals can help
underperforming staff by identifying specific training needs and skill
gaps that require focus. It is an important aspect of human resource
Human resource managers have historically placed a premium on
employee performance. As a result, a variety of performance
assessment approaches have been developed over time to assist in
determining an employee's performance. Performance assessments
have been extended beyond assessing an employee's performance
to include variables such as motivation in recent years. As a result,
the purpose of this study was to look at the efficacy of performance
appraisal methods and their impact on employee motivation. The
study's major goals were to determine the moderating function of
performance assessment as a motivating tool, as well as any
problems that could arise.
When an organization employs performance assessment as a
motivating tool, the data reveal that considerable positive outcomes
are present. Furthermore, the study discovers that using several
assessment approaches leads to better pleasure and, as a result,
increased motivating levels. The linkage of performance to
incentives; using the PAS to assist establish targets and be more
productive are some of the particular components of performance
appraisal systems (PAS) that can enhance motivation.
Idowu, Ayomikun. “Effectiveness of Performance Appraisal System and Its Effect on Employee Motivation.” Nile Journal of Business and Economics,