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Complexity In the Workplace



   Communication between employees is essential for the establishment


and maintenance of high-quality business relationships in organizations


of all sizes. This article covers the communication process, as well as


communication obstacles, and it offers recommendations for


administrators looking to enhance the efficacy of their staff's


communication. Administrators have significant communication


challenges since they are accountable for delivering information that



results in efficient and successful organizational performance. Good


communication skills are critical for administrative success, so it is


critical for administrators to strive to become good communicators. The


purpose of this article is to explain the communication process and the


significance of communication in the workplace.


   Communication is the creation or exchange of thoughts, ideas,


emotions, and understanding. Administrators spend the bulk of their


time interacting (sending and receiving) but not all contacts are


beneficial. Making oneself known in the way one wants to be known is


an important part of communication. Communication occurs between


the sender and the receiver. A sender uses words and symbols to


convey information to the receiver, the individual(s) receiving the


message. The receiver's accurate decoding of the message is essential to


successful communication. Environmental and human obstacles may


have effects on communication.


   Deciding on the appropriate medium for disseminating information


may be critical. Vocal, nonverbal, written, computer-aided, and


electronic communication are all options. Information may be conveyed


via nonverbal gestures, facial expressions, body posture, and even


clothing. Administrators often overlook the importance of


communication at work and consequently, fail to properly convey their


ideas. When a company's leaders fail to create an environment that


promotes open and honest communication, it may have a negative


effect on the company's culture and productivity.


   Organizations that encourage open and easy communication between


leaders and subordinates have reduced employee turnover. Employees


who feel genuinely cared for and appreciated are more likely to remain


loyal to the company. The value of communication skills may be


evaluated by how it leads to better job performance and increased


workplace productivity. Miscommunication causes unnecessary delays


in day-to-day operations and a reduction in total job productivity.


Employees who feel genuinely cared for and appreciated are more likely


to remain loyal to the company. For an organization to efficiently utilize


its resources, a good communication environment is needed.


   Environmental barriers are characteristics of the organization and


surrounding environment. Managers that are not interested in fostering


intra-organizational communication will create procedural and


organizational barriers. Lack of attention and care for workers is a


symptom of a management style that demands that every


communication follow the line of command. Communication between


individuals who use different language may be ineffective because


various meanings are assigned to the same terms. Power or status


connections may also have an impact on message transmission. Fear of


one's authority and position are a frequent obstacle to dialogue in many


organizations, especially in developing countries.


   Preconceived notions and biases are developed because of one's


socioeconomic background and previous experiences. One may also


participate in selective perception, either deliberately or subconsciously.


Some cultures believe in "do not speak until spoken to" or "never 


challenge elders”. An administrator's capacity to be a successful leader


will increase with effective communication skills in the workplace.


Administrators should foster an atmosphere in which work-related


concerns, plans, issues, thoughts, and ideas are addressed and


managed in a professional, competent way via positive ineffective







Team 4: Topic 7 – Effective Communication

Work Cited

Giridharan, K.S., “Complexity in the Workplace and Guidance for Improving Effective Communication.” International Research Journal in Global Engineering and Sciences. vol. 1, no. 2, June 2016 to August 2016, pp. 148-157. issn:2456-172X

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