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Stress Related Absenteeism

Stress Related Absenteeism


  Work stress is defined as exposure to an unfavorable combination of high job


stressors and low job resources. Workplace stress-related productivity losses are


a significant financial burden. The effects of social and task-related stressors and


resources at work on health-related productivity losses caused by absenteeism


and presenteeism are estimated in this study. We also look at how job stressors,


job resources, and personal resources interact, as well as the costs of work stress.


A loss of work productivity can be a result of health impairments and arise from


absenteeism (Being away from work due to illness or disability) and presenteeism


(being present at work but constrained in certain aspects of job performance by


health problems). Due to ongoing structural changes in the workplace, an aging


population, and a rising number of employees affected by workplace stress,


maintaining a healthy and effective workforce is becoming increasingly difficult.


Gaining a better understanding of the stress-related causes of absenteeism and


presenteeism is therefore critical for both social and economic reasons. A


detailed investigation of the determinants of work stress-related productivity


losses could be particularly valuable in determining which employees are most


vulnerable to stress-related productivity losses and identifying those who would


benefit the most from interventions that improve working conditions.


  This article evaluates the effects of work stressors and resources on health-


related productivity losses caused by absenteeism and presenteeism.  The


findings contribute to research into the effects of positive and negative work-


related social factors on presenteeism and absenteeism. We discovered that


social stressors and resources at work, in addition to task-related job stressors


and resources, are important determinants of health-related productivity losses


due to absenteeism and presenteeism, in line with research showing that social


aspects of work may be especially relevant to employee health and organizational







Who Gains the Most from Improving Working Conditions? Health‑Related Absenteeism and Presenteeism Due to Stress at Work, 2019,

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